Sam Hecht and Kim Colin

Sam Hecht and Kim Colin formed design studio Industrial Facility in 2002 to explore the junction between product and space. As Colin said" something that drives a lot of our work is the connection between product and lanscape." A lot of works that they have done are for small space such as Muji phone and the Kitchen Concept for Whirlpool.

Muji phone
the Kitchen Concept for Whirlpool

The Kitchen Concept design was created in response to the decreasing size of urban homes over the past century.
Meanwhile they wrote a book named "Product as Landscape: Volume two  "

what interested me of their idea is that they also care about the emotion of consumers. Colin mentions a desire for better balanced "joy-to-stuff" ratios. People can afford to buy big; instead they choose to buy fewer but more meaningful products, although the ultimate financial costs are roughly equal.

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